Out Of Electra 2 White Laskettelulasit valkoinen irid blue Uni Unisex

439,00 €   + 12,90 €   
Full electronic control on the lens tint, without batteries. The Electra 2 is an electronic goggle that is able to adjust the darkening of the lens according to the ambient light. Completely automatically, without battery and almost instantaneously.The Electra 2 is darker than the first generation in the sun, and lighter in the shadows. This means that it's able to cover almost twice as many light situations with the same incredible quickness.All Electra 2 lenses go from an S1 to an S3 filter, so you'll have both a low light and a high light lens ready for you at all times.Irid Blue lensThe second generation of the photochromic, electronic, instantaneous and battery free self adjusting Irid lens. Now with twice the range.Filter category: 1 - 3 ...
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