Lenovo ThinkPad T480 i5-7300U 14" 16 GB 256 GB SSD Taustavalaistu näppäimistö FHD Win 10 Pro DE

314,99 €   + 5,00 €   
The refurbed Lenovo ThinkPad T480 is a state-of-the-art business notebook designed for reliable, long-term usage, so it has a robust and solid construction. With a Thunderbolt port and docking options, the fully refurbished Lenovo ThinkPad T480 is definitely geared towards intensive usage, but can of course also be used as a normal laptop at home and on the go. The powerful Intel Core i5-7300U processor reliably handles multiple programs and always has plenty of power reserves! ...
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Refurbed.fi 314,99 € 5,00 € 319,99 €