Yellowstone - Season 2 (Blu-ray) (Import)

27,95 €   + 2,90 €   
All ten episodes from the second season of the drama starring Kevin Costner and Luke Grimes. John Dutton (Costner) runs the largest contiguous ranch in America. No day is easy however, as John battles constant greed from land grabbers as well as the development of America's inaugural national park. In this season, John forms an unlikely alliance in order to protect his land, Jamie (Wes Bentley) tries to cover up his past mistakes, and the tension between the Duttons and the Becks comes to a dramatic head. The episodes are: 'A Thundering', 'New Beginnings', 'The Reek of Desperation', 'Only Devils Left', 'Touching Your Enemy', 'Blood the Boy', 'Resurrection Day', 'Behind Us Only Grey', 'Enemies By Monday' and 'Sins of the Father'. ...
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